from collections import defaultdict, deque
class Solution:
def countOfAtoms(self, formula: str) -> str:
res_collection = deque()
n = len(formula)
idx = 0
while idx <= n -1:
if formula[idx] != ')':
idx += 1
left_idx = idx + 1
right_idx = left_idx
num = 1
while right_idx <= n-1 and formula[right_idx].isdigit():
right_idx += 1
if left_idx <= n - 1 and left_idx != right_idx:
num = int(formula[left_idx : right_idx])
idx = right_idx
tmp = []
one_par = res_collection.pop()
while one_par != '(':
one_par = res_collection.pop()
tmp = []
while res_collection:
return self.process_one(''.join(tmp))
# 处理每一个不带()的表达式
def process_one(self, formula: str):
res = defaultdict(int)
res_str = ''
n = len(formula)
idx = 0
while idx <= n-1:
it = formula[idx]
if it.isupper():
autom = it
while idx < n - 1 and formula[idx + 1].islower():
autom += formula[idx + 1]
idx += 1
num = 1
if idx < n - 1 and formula[idx + 1].isdigit():
idx_right = idx + 1
while idx_right < n -1 and formula[idx_right + 1].isdigit():
idx_right += 1
num = int(formula[idx + 1: idx_right + 1])
idx = idx_right
if autom in res:
res[autom] += num
idx += 1
res[autom] = num
idx += 1
res_tmp = []
for k, v in res.items():
res_tmp.append([k, v])
res_tmp.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
for k, v in res_tmp:
if v == 1:
v = ''
res_str += '{}{}'.format(k, v)
return res_str